Saturday, August 14, 2010

Changing History, Changing Lives

We had a wonderful day today as we wrapped up the crusade with the Mongolians.  It was soooo cold today, we almost froze to death! This Florida boy is not used to being that cold in the middle of August! haha..but, we had a wonderful day!   I would love to say I had a lot of pictures to show, because I did...but, I accidentally deleted them all this afternoon when I tried to delete brought me to tears...So, I will just have to treasure today's memories in my heart; which will not be hard to do!  It was a wonderful day, and the people are just so precious.  It warms my heart to know what we have taught them will now be used for a very long time to teach the children all over Mongolia!  What an honor to be used to help change a country!

I am now preparing to do Kid's Church in the morning at Hope Assembly of God Church! What an exciting experience that will be!  I am having to try to build a service out of stuff I have to work with here..But, it will be great!  I will be teaching on the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength!  I am very excited!   We are going to do scripture games, Illusions, A bible story that the kids will help me act out, and I am going to do some Ventriloquism with Louie...I haven't done that in a while, so pray!! haha..It will be a blast!

This trip has really stretched me, and reminded me of all the ways to teach children.  I think that sometimes I get so caught up in the "new" ways to reach kids, that I forget the simple ways to touch their lives.  I cannot wait to get home to try and reapply these techniques in our Children's Ministry.  Techniques like Clowning, Puppet Characters, and just simple things that can bring such addition to Children's Ministry.  I don't really know how to explain how I feel, but I just believe that God wanted to use this trip to remind me that there is now limitation on "how" to minister to kids.  I really want to come home and pour back into my leaders what God has so freshly poured into me during this 2 weeks!  I believe there are great things to come in the Children's Ministry at Carmel!  I am so excited, and freshly pumped!

Sometimes, we get so caught up in doing ministry, and working hard that we forget to step back, breathe, and allow God to really speak to us and refresh us so that we can do even more for him.  If we try to just push through, and continue to pour out without having anything poured back in, we will soon find ourselves dry and not effective in ministry.  We must take time to allow God to do a fresh and renewing work in our lives, so that we can continue to do what he has called AND created us to do.

1 comment:

Thanks for following me on my Journey! Due to my extensive traveling, I will be commenting from here.